
Sizzling squid

Finely grate the tomatoes on a box grater, discarding the skin. Slice into the squid and open it out like a book, lightly score on the inside at ½cm intervals in a criss-cross fashion, slice off and reserve the tentacles, then season with sea salt and black pepper. Slice the chorizo (or break apart if using spicy sausage) and pick the mint leaves. Preheat a large non-stick frying pan on a very high heat. After 3 minutes, drizzle in 1 tablespoon of olive oil, lay the squid in the pan scored side down and use a fish slice to press down on it for 1 minute, then add the tentacles and the chorizo (or spicy sausage). Scatter in half the mint leaves and cook for 3 minutes, tossing regularly.

Remove the scored squid to a plate, then tip the tomatoes into the pan and squeeze in a little lemon juice. Cook for a further 2 minutes, or until thickened and reduced, then divide between plates. Slice the scored squid ½cm thick and scatter over the sauce along with the rest of the mint leaves. Serve with the rest of the lemon cut into wedges, for squeezing over.


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Written by Handy Chef

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