
9 Vital Wheat Gluten Options (Plus Our Favorite Recipes)

Vital wheat gluten is a cornerstone ingredient for crafting seitan, a versatile meat alternative cherished for its chewy texture and high protein content. Whether you’re a seasoned vegan chef or a curious newcomer to meat substitutes, navigating the immense amount of options available can be daunting. Fear not! We’ve curated a list of ten essential vital wheat gluten products that promise to elevate your seitan-making experience, ensuring each bite is packed with flavor and nutrition.

1. Anthony’s

Anthony's Vital Wheat Gluten
Anthony’s Vital Wheat Gluten

Anthony’s Vital Wheat Gluten comes in a 4 lb bag. It’s vegan, non-GMO, keto-friendly, low carb and $24.99. It also boasts simplicity with just one ingredient. This versatile gluten powder elevates baking and cooking, offering high protein content ideal for keto and vegan diets. A staple for bread enthusiasts and seitan makers alike, it provides value and quality in every batch.

One reviewer said, “I eat a high protein diet, so I incorporate this into my diet because it makes for great low calorie, high protein pizzas. Previously, I had bought from Bob’s Red Mill, but the price difference with this is insane. A pack that was maybe a pound was around $11 from them. And Anthony’s is the same quality, if not better.
I’ve purchased many different things from Anthony’s, and not a single time have I been disappointed. Fresh, tastes great, does exactly what I need it to, and very cost-effective.”

2. Kate Naturals

Kate Naturals Vital Wheat Gluten
Kate Naturals Vital Wheat Gluten

Kate Naturals Vital Wheat Gluten for  Baking & Seitan comes in a 12oz bag. It costs $10.79 and excels in bread and seitan preparation with its natural, non-GMO formulation. Designed for effortless use in bread machines, this high-protein flour enriches recipes while supporting low-carb and vegan lifestyles.

One reviewer said, “This can be used for breads and similar products but I use it for vegan meat alternatives for any meat-like substitute. I make wings, sausages, hotdogs, ribs, and more; all vegan, with this product. It takes patience and a few mistakes but is worth the learning process.”

3. Bob’s Red Mill

Bob's Red Mill Vital Wheat Gluten Flour
Bob’s Red Mill Vital Wheat Gluten Flour

Bob’s Red Mill Vital Wheat Gluten Flour, 20 ounces costs $9.49. It offers a reliable choice for baking enthusiasts seeking kosher, vegan, and non-GMO ingredients. From an employee-owned company, this flour enhances dough elasticity and structure, ensuring consistent baking results and creating seitan.

Marion said, “I started making homemade bread following YouTube videos online. Though the bread tasted delicious the loaves were not rising so they were only 2 inches high. I kept tweaking the recipe but only saw a minor improvement in the height of my loaves. Then I found a recipe where the host made bread flour from all-purpose flour by adding wheat gluten. Finally, my bread rose. I chose Bob’s Red Mill as it was a brand name with which I was familiar.”

4. Medley Hills Farm

Medley Hills Farm Vital Wheat Gluten
Medley Hills Farm Vital Wheat Gluten

Vital Wheat Gluten By Medley Hills Farm is 1.5 lbs and comes in a reusable container. It costs just $14.39 and champions sustainability alongside protein-rich content ideal for making seitan. From a small business perspective, this gluten flour supports conscientious baking practices while catering to keto and vegan diets.

Ken said, “I like the product and the easily resealed container.”

5. It’s Just

It's Just Vital Wheat Gluten Flour
It’s Just Vital Wheat Gluten Flour

It’s Just Vital Wheat Gluten Flour, is high protein and great for making seitan or low-carb bread. The 20oz costs $11.99 and is sourced from Canada and packaged in the USA, ensuring premium quality with every use. This flour shines in its simplicity, offering high protein levels for seitan and low-carb bread recipes.

One reviewer said, “I make my own bread and pizza dough at least once every other week – just for me and the occasional guest. I decided to do some huge batches to freeze so I ordered 20 lbs of what was supposed to be bread flour & got AP instead. I have never tried using this kind of wheat gluten product but it’s a lifesaver.

I followed the directions and used half a tablespoon of this for every cup of flour. Even though I was worried about how it would turn out, I just wanted to make use somehow of all that AP flour! Not only did this work, but it also made the best dough ever.

Compared to when using “regular” bread flour, this time the dough was stretchier and more flavorful. And of course, it took less kneading time to get good results. The resulting texture was really good. Now I might have to buy this every now and then to add to my actual bread flour”

6. Naturtonix

Naturtonix Premium Vital Wheat Gluten
Naturtonix Premium Vital Wheat Gluten

Naturtonix Premium Vital Wheat Gluten is a versatile flour suited for bread making, baking, and seitan preparation. With high protein and certified kosher credentials, this non-GMO, vegan-friendly option ensures both quality and dietary compatibility for culinary enthusiasts. It costs $23.95. 

One reviewer said, “I think I like this one better than Anthony’s. The packaging looks nicer and the quality of the seitan and bread I’ve made are good too.”

7. Scratch

Scratch Premium Vital Wheat Gluten
Scratch Premium Vital Wheat Gluten

Scratch Premium Vital Wheat Gluten stands out with its soy-free, vegan, and non-GMO formulation, perfect for boosting protein in various recipes. Whether creating seitan or perfecting bread texture, this flour promises consistent quality and nutritional benefits aligned with low-carb diets. It costs only $9.95.

Karen said, “I used this product in a recipe for veggie hot dogs. It has a fine, smooth texture that blends well with the other ingredients. The quantity for the price was less than expected.”

8. Onuva

Vital Wheat Gluten by Onuva
Vital Wheat Gluten by Onuva

Onuva’s Vital Wheat Gluten is tailored for bulk baking needs, offering high protein content ideal for bread machines and seitan production. Packaged in an easy-to-use 15 lb tub, this vegan and keto-friendly flour costs $79.99.

9. One in a Mill

One In A Mill Vital Wheat Gluten Flour
One In A Mill Vital Wheat Gluten Flour

One in a Mill Vital Wheat Gluten Flour is a go-to for making vegan meat (seitan) and baking wholesome breads. Keto-friendly and kosher-certified, it balances high protein with low-carb benefits and is all-natural. The bag costs $14.99.

Ashley said, “Happily switching to this brand rather than my usual! The price is spectacular and the packaging is *chefs kiss* perfect and fun!”

Our Favorite Vital Wheat Gluten Recipes!

Choosing the right vital wheat gluten is paramount to creating delicious seitan dishes that rival traditional meat in taste and texture. With our curated selection of ten top-rated products, you have the tools to start on a flavorful journey into the world of plant-based cuisine.

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Written by Handy Chef

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